Motivational speaker: Your choice selection of boxed cake mix.
Body: Have you ever been overcome by that wonderful feeling when you get that cake mix you wanted for only 50 cents? It can make any baker shout for joy! But those babies get stored away, and if you're a pack rat and a deal-diver like me, you stock up when those sales hit. Worse, you walk in the store with your grocery list, and walk out with some additional items you realy don't need but given their shelf life (or so as far as you know), you walk out with it thinking about the next batch of cup-cakes you want to make.
Warning! Those babies go BAD! And they teach us not to take those little moments of frugal victory for granted. You can't just use them when you want, on those nights you regain that sweet tooth of yours. You'll find that little critters have alreaady gotten to your secret stash before you (IF you leave them sitting there forever).
Food Lesson: Be wary of items that appear to have long shelf lifes. Any flour or grains should be stored cautiously or away in the fridge so that bugs don't get to them first!
Life Lesson: Don't take those simple joys for granted. When we overlook them or fail to remember them, they might not be there waiting for us when we're ready for them at a later time. Make reminders for yourself!